Use the Behavior inspector to attach JavaScript behaviors to objects, and to modify parameters of previously attached behaviors.The pane on the left displays events. The pane on the right displays actions triggered by the events. The tags controlling the current selection appear at the top of the event pane.
To open the Behavior inspector, choose Window > Behaviors, or click the Behaviors button in the Launcher.
See also Behaviors overview.
Events pop-up menu displays events that can trigger behaviors. Different events appear depending on the type of object selected. If the expected events don't appear, make sure that the correct object is selected. Use the tag selector at the bottom left of the Document window to select a specific tag.
Different browsers recognize different events for various objects. Choose the browsers in which you want the behavior to work from the pop-up menu on the right. Only the events recognized by the selected browsers appear on the Events menu.
Browser pop-up menu specifies the browsers in which the current behavior should work. The selection you make from this menu determines which events appear on the Event pop-up menu.
Events list lists all of the events attached to the current object.
Actions pop-up menu displays actions executed when the event occurs. Choosing an action causes the Behavior inspector to expand and show parameters for the action.
Delete removes the current action from the Action list.
Up/Down arrows move the selected action up or down in the Action list. Actions are executed in the specified order.
Action list lists all actions triggered by the currently selected event.